Likes to Shoot Things
The Marine is a pretty decent, Enter the Gungeon character. I am going to explain how this character works and give some advice on playing the game as them.
For more general advice in surviving in Enter the Gungeon I have a guide for that as well.
What the Marine Starts With
As with all the characters, you start with an unlimited shot pistol. I like the gun the Marine starts with. Because of his passive item, it is very good. Even late in the game, with some extra passive items, you can depend on this gun.
Because of the Military Training item, all guns just feel nicer overall. It is a small buff, but it helps a lot early in the game.
Supply drop means one free green ammo crate whenever you want it. This is a great way to keep momentum if you find a gun you like.
You also start with one point of armor. This is represented by the helmet the Marine wears. Lose this armor, and the helmet also flies off.
Supply Drop Is Great
Thanks to supply drop, you can focus more on a single gun you like instead of trying to use all you find. That one free ammo reload is enough to get me past the first and second chambers with the better guns in the game.
You also find so much ammo anyway, so I say hold on to it until you need it. But if you find another active item, then use supply drop before picking up the other item. Thanks to the Resourceful Rat, you can’t leave items to save for later. About 4 seconds later, it will be gone.
Remember, this is a one time use item. So once you use it, the supply drop is gone. But don’t hold the item forever, not over any other active items.
Stick to Your Favorite Guns
I do this with other characters as well. But with the Military Training item the Marine has, sticking to your favorite gun (when possible) works nicely. There is no need to use all the guns you find if you have a really powerful gun and you keep getting ammo for it.
Now, of course, if you run out of ammo for the guns you like, use whatever you have. But the moment you find another green ammo crate, switch back to your favorite gun and load up again.