About Me
My name is Eric Farmer. I started this blog to write about my love of computer games. Particularly the games I like.
My Gaming Journey
I started playing video games as a kid (surprise!).
The first video game console I played was the Super Nintendo. I played Super Mario World a lot and remember finding most of its secrets.
I don’t remember exactly what my first computer game was. But I know I played Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft 3. I used to be a big Blizzard game fan.
I owned my first custom computer in the 2010s.
The first game on Steam I played the most was Team Fortress 2. I remember buying one crate key to get all the features. My first loot box, I suppose.
I bought a few indie games, and years later, I spent hundreds of dollars on Steam. Sounds about right.
Oh yeah. I own games in stores other than Steam. There are so many games I get for free. That I don’t play!
Thanks, Epic Games and Prime Gaming. A bit controversial. But if Epic wants to keep giving away free games, I am not complaining.
I am very repetitive when it comes to games. Most games I play are rogue-lite games. But I do play a few other genres sometimes. Mostly puzzle games.
Expect to see a lot of reviews for rogue-lite and puzzle games.
How I Write Reviews
I will primarily focus on games I have played.
Eventually, I will have to decide what to do next. I plan on reviewing some of the games I own, but I still need to play.
No matter what you will see content for computer games. I did not lie when I made this website domain!
I am not a fan of giving games a review score.
I will state my overall thoughts on a game. Then share whether I enjoyed the game and if I recommend it. If you want a number, plenty of places do that. I am more interested in just sharing what I think about games.
How to Contact Me
I am not open for contact right now.
You can get my email address anyway if you want to from some places online. But right now, I will focus on building this website and writing content.
I already have so many game reviews planned that I don’t need any suggestions or contact from game developers. But in the future, I will consider it once things get going.
It’s not that I don’t want to cooperate or share games from developers. I do.
But it becomes overwhelming as a single writer, and I have a lot of content I can write already without playing a single new game.
How I Earn Money With User Activity
My primary income source for this blog, and right now, the only income source is Google AdSense ads. I have Auto Ads enabled. Whatever you see in the ads is what Google decided.
So if it is annoying, be mad at them. I trust they won’t go so overboard you can’t see anything.
Feel free to use an adblocker. But if you want to be helpful, let the ads load and see them.
That being said, right now, ads are disabled since I need to write some content as I decided to start over. I guess I enjoy the temporary ad-free experience.
Rules on Comments
I let anyone leave a comment. But please, let’s stay relevant to PC gaming or at least computing.
If your comment looks like spam or chatGPT can do better, your comment will be deleted without being seen by anyone but me.
I am not asking for dissertations. But be better than the most weak YouTube commenters.
I know you spammers don’t read anything. But you will not be allowed to spam in my comments. I will delete your comment without letting it get posted.